Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Now How About That

Before Amanda's show we had a little show by Mari LaCure. (You may remember it) For whatever reason we also forgot to take pictures of the Opening for that as well. Sneakily we were able to sequester these several images to show the unsuspecting public the inspiring beauty of the Quiet Garden. 

Mari was kind enough to not only come for the Opening, but to also do a demo at St. Ambrose, two lectures and submitted a kind donation of two prints for our Open House. She's a swell artist and if you ever find yourself in Lawrence, Kansas you should seek her out. (get in contact with her first...don't be creepy) 

Unfortunately, in order to evade a dastardly and shady character we had to hide the film for the exhibition for several months until "business" was taken care of. Now that MacGillicutty is out at the "farm" and the entire backyard has been dug up trying to find the darn thing we can safely show you what needs to be seen. 

That's a convincing excuse right. 

The little fellas...we should have bought them all. striking.

 Closer up on some meticulous gorgeousness. 

It's ok to stare. 

Two on the left and a table (the title for every stilllife from now on)

I want to be framed like this.

That's all for now. I'd say see you soon, but could be a while. (or maybe not?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?)

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