Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bereft of Singularity We Instead Seek Community

So we are going to admit we're a big fan.

Well, we're a big fan of everyone we show here at the Bakery. It's part of the deal. There's a personal and emotional relationship with the work we exhibit and our main focus is to expose the Quad Cities to work that we like. That being said...

                   We really like B. Ingrid Olson's work.

                                                       There's a good chance you will too.

A great explanation of her work from Ingrid herself. 

"Experience is realized first as feeling, then as thought and finally, language. In my drawings I use the body as a means to enter into an extralinguistic time and space. The body is reiterated in the slow movements of multiple figures; each gestural quotation becomes an interlude within the cumulative body of work. 

 My conception of experience, as drawn, is reinforced in the means of making and mode of display. The work, inside and out, is simultaneously stable and fragile. The drawn line is direct, though the exactness in manner becomes oxymoronic when used to describe that which is beyond words. 

The paper rests on the wall as a tangible object. The drawings are essentially images, but in the final work they become self-aware objects. The paper curls away from the wall, the edges are uneven, and the corners are bent.

 Push-ups are self-conscious attempts. Bodily bending, hunching and curling are used to depict slow movement towards an unknown and unimportant destination. These are small moments of transition between one occurrence and what comes after. This time has no name and no specificity. This time is the tremor just before something new."

Ingrid made a really smart move by making her website copy proof. We wanted to show more images of her work, but she cleverly thwarted us. So we are going to demand a little bit of action on your part dear reader and insist that you check out her website at  It'll be worth your time. 

So now that We've gotten you all hot and heavy on the idea of this show perhaps we owe you a spare
detail or two. 

We will go about this in the way we know best... through a numbering system. 

1) The show "Push Ups" opens on August 27th. For you students in the Quad City area that means the week after school starts (I don't know this as an absolute... at least for St. Ambrose. I could be wrong with the rest, but come on...should we really know all of that info) This is the perfect first art opportunity for you of the School Year. 

2) For you non-students this ain't no excuse to slack. Come on out, see some great art and support your local community. 

3) The Opening is from 6 pm until 8 pm on Friday the 27th

4) The Exhibition itself runs from Tuesday August 10th until October 2nd. 

4) The Bakery Gallery is located at 1330 East 12th Street. It's a little west of the Village, a little north of Bridge St. and Dead Center in our hearts. 

5) Food a'plenty is provided by Nikki at the Eastside Bakery. If you haven't tried it, well let's just say Heaven on Earth. 

6) Ingrid is flying in from SAN FRANCISCO just to talk to you. Come on... that's a pretty big deal right?

If that doesn't convince you then I can't help but to throw out the precursory "lost cause" in front of you.