Jill Lanza.
Jill Lanza...
Jill Lanza!
Here is the thing, Jill is an astounding artist. An amazing artist. I don't know how many comic book adjectives you want me to place in front of her name, but I can continue. Uncanny, tremendous, etc... At this point in time you might be saying "Joseph?" I urge you to check out her
website. To see what she has accomplished in the past 8 years. If you disagree with me...well, it happened and we'll have to have slightly awkward facial ticks against each other in the future.
I don't think you will though. Jill is an artist and a professor (Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design). She's a thinker and a parent and a significant other and a presence and she exists in a big way in this wacky world of ours - living in Chicago and traveling where she needs to (wait a minute... you mentioned super hero before, is she... could she be?!?!?! )
Let's look at a tiny, little bit of her work.
Scape (exterior)
Scape (Interior)
Jill is an interdisciplinary artist. This phrase can take on a multitude of meanings... and that is perfectly fine. We, as humans, want to judge and desire clarification and to that response I will say this. She deals in fiber arts, papermaking, book arts, visual narratives, photo (digital and analog) and installation art. In fact, and this is a great HOORAH to me, she is coming to install the show so that ever thing falls in its place. Rare, not unheard of (see Jen Thomas, Adam Beadel, Angela Wilson and Matthew Hoffman) but certainly exciting.
Beyond A Blanket (details)
Oh hey, does anyone want to read her artist's statement (rhetorical question and not up for debate. Read it :) )
In my
work, I absorb my surroundings while conducting a constant exploration of word
play and definitions. From consumed topics such as: my daily digital life,
vulnerability, and neighborhood histories; each study allows for me to develop
a new space for the viewer to consider. Working interdisciplinary,
allows me to challenge the viewer in their space. I cross from a shared spaced into
an intimate space—from installation to book to new media. My work begins with a
moment had, a phrase said, or a task taken to create my narratives. I gather
and reference the textures and topography that surround myself as I test my
research through process with fibers, papermaking, and installation. The
laborious actions and collaborations to create my details intertwine with my
research–as I take a moment had, or phrases heard, and combine them with
histories and data. A community audience is mandatory in my work and research.
I seek to make a small change, to fuel a discussion, and bring lost stories to
attention. Thread is a common medium throughout my work. It is a drawing tool
to bind each layer or a structural element to build an installation. The
delicacy and strength of thread holds meaning as a domestic material that I
challenge in process and strength. Whether in the
confines of a loom, frame, a book, or an installation space, I seek to
construct artificial spaces for the viewer to discover new narratives. In Power Down, Pixel Study I specifically
step back to analyze the pixels in my life and my community with engagement and
collaboration from creation to audience activation.

Bubbly Creek
Jill, and most likely her adorable child, will be popping about in the Quad Cities next week ( Thursday and Friday) She has graciously offered to host a presentation of her artwork. This will be showcased at St. Ambrose University. Specifics man, specifics!!??!! Ok, calm down
Jill Lanza talks on Friday, Sept. 20th from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm in Rm. 141 of Galvin Fine Art Center, located in the fine city of Davenport, Ia.
Cross Stitch Keyboard
This means that she will also be present during the opening at the Bakery Gallery. There is rarely a person more... personable to talk to. Ask her questions, look at her work, maker her think, make your head explode!!!
Who: Jill Lanza –
click here to view Jill’s website
What: Power Down, Pixel Study: an exhibition of
fiber arts, handmade paper, and installation techniques
When: 1) Friday, September 20th 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Jill will host an hour long
discussing her current body of work and its multiple meanings.
Friday, September 20th 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Opening Reception and
artist visit.
Friday, September 20th – Saturday, October 19th
Exhibition. Tues-Sat 7:00 am-6:00 pm
Where: The Bakery
Gallery. 1330 East 12th Street Davenport, Ia 52803
Why: Community,
art, interaction, baked goods
To What Extent: dialed
to 11
Hello Rock
Questions? You know who to ask. (hint... it's me)
Comments? Please give us feedback as to how we are doing.
Wanna come but are still confused? Don't be. Get ahold of me. We're pretty nice folk.